Thermophysical Properties
scanning calorimetry, ASTM E 1952; thermal diffusivity of solids by the laser flash method, ASTME 1461;and the steady-stateheatflow, ASTM C 518 (Ref 60–62). Ceramics, EN 821–2 and ISO 18755, both laser flash (Ref 63, …

scanning calorimetry, ASTM E 1952; thermal diffusivity of solids by the laser flash method, ASTME 1461;and the steady-stateheatflow, ASTM C 518 (Ref 60–62). Ceramics, EN 821–2 and ISO 18755, both laser flash (Ref 63, …
Thermal diffusivity was used to track damage development throughout irradiation, with 5 MeV self-ion irradiated iron, chromium and vanadium showing little to no change up to damages of the order of 1 dpa. 5 MeV Si3+-ion irradiated tungsten exhibits a reduction of thermal diffusivity from 0.78(7) cm2s−1 to 0.29(2) cm2s−1 with logarithmically ...
Thermal diffusivity in ion-irradiated single-crystal iron, chromium, vanadium, and tungsten measured using transient grating spectroscopy Cite as: J. Appl. Phys. 132, 045102 …
A new alloy system called graphitic white iron was developed by the authors to improve thermal diffusivity and mitigate over-heating of the wearing surface in the metal-to-metal wear systems. Thermal diffusivity for the first generation graphitic white iron was measured utilizing a laser flash apparatus in accordance with ASTM E1461.
Thermal diffusivity of the implanted samples measured during the various annealing stages. Each measurement is an average of 5000 laser excitations. The thermal diffusivity measured for pristine tungsten is shown as a grey band. The bounds of the grey region correspond to one standard deviation after averaging over 20 K intervals.
It was found that heat transfer through a bed of dry pellets between -15 and 30°C can be modeled as a homogeneous medium with a temperature-independent thermal diffusivity of κ=2.7×10 -7 m 2 s -1 .
ducing pre-reduced chromite ore. (Alternative processes for the pre-reduction of chromite ore are also being investigated, and the design of, for example, tunnel kilns requires data on the heat-transfer characteristics of packed beds.) For these reasons, the effective thermal conductivities of packed beds of two chromite ores were determined.
High thermal conductivity chromite sand AFS45-50 is a foundry-grade chromite sand. With a high Cr2O3 content of more than 46% and SiO2 of less than 1%, the chromite sand works excellent as core sand, molding …
Chromite is a mineral that consists of a series of spinels of chromium (III) oxide with magnesium oxide (MgO), aluminium oxide (Al 2 O 3 ), and/or iron (II) oxide (FeO). It is the most important mineral of chromium and is the principal ore of Cr, available in large capacity in Sukinda, in the Jajpur district of Odisha (India) and contains ≅97 ...
The thermal conductivity K of the substrate was calculated by [29], where β represents thermal diffusivity, which was measured by a laser flash thermal diffusivity test system (LFA467, NETZSCH, Germany) at temperatures of 25 °C, 300 °C, and 500 °C with disk-shaped samples, ρ denotes the bulk density of the sample, which determined …
The thermal conductivity (κ) and the thermal diffusivity (D) are two important thermal param- eters of minerals. In addition to temperature and pressure (Hofmeister, 1999 ; Osako et al., 2004 ; Wang
Iron Chromite's many industrial uses, is because of its high-heat stability, resistance to thermal shock, and resistance to corrosive gasses & slags. +27 16 362 0600 . Mon - Thurs: 8am - 5pm / Fri: 8am - 1pm
The thermal diffusivities of a range of grey cast irons have been measured over the temperature range 200°–700°C using the flash method. Detailed metallographic examinations of the specimens have also been carried out. The effects of size, shape, and distribution of free graphite and of different matrix structures have been investigated. It …
In this case the mean length of the graphite skeletons will be large and the number of discontinuities will be small. Hence, the thermal conductivity of a flake cast iron with a small number of cells will have a relatively high thermal conductivity. The thermal diffusivity values for the spheroidal cast irons are shown in Fig.3.
vanadium and tungsten at room temperature. Thermal diffusivity was used to track damage development throughout irradiation, with 5 MeV self-ion irradiated iron, chromium and vanadium showing little to no change up to damages of the order of 1 dpa. 5 MeV Si3+-ion irradiated tungsten exhibits a reduction of thermal diffusivity from 0.78(7) cm2s−1
Request PDF | Thermal diffusivity of iron at high temperatures | The results of the thermal diffusivity measurements for pure iron within the temperature range from 830 K up to 1820 K obtained in ...
reliable values of thermal diffusivity and conductivity for molten iron, cobalt, and nickel at temperatures above 1700 K by developing a novel sample cell system for a laser flash method. The contribution from the conductive heat loss at interface between the molten metal sample and the sample cell material to the thermal diffusivity ...
Fig. 8 displays thermal diffusivity measurements for both rock samples from Hong Kong that are heated from room temperature to 1000 °C. Each data point represents the average of four calculated values at the same temperature. Overall, there is an exponential decrease in thermal diffusivity across the temperature range of 25 to 1000 …
Thermal diffusivity was used to track damage development throughout irradiation, with 5 MeV self-ion irradiated iron, chromium, and vanadium showing little to …
A rugged metal-oxide interface is expected to form if the diffusion of Cr in the alloy to the interface is the rate determining step (in low Cr alloys, Fig. 3 a). Whereas, …
value, the thermal diffusivity of FeO was derived as 3.7 × 10−7–5.8 × 10−7 m2 s−1 and the thermal con- ductivity as 1.8–2.5 W m −1 K −1 between room temperature and 1164 K. The ...
In this study, we have determined the high P–T thermal diffusivity (and thermal conductivity) of hcp Fe using a combined technique of the pulsed light heating …
In this present study, a techno-economic approach was employed to investigate the enhancement of the chromium-to-iron (Cr/Fe) ratio of chromite ore, utilizing magnetizing roasting via both conventional and microwave heating sources. The primary objective was to selectively remove iron (Fe) from chromite spinel, thereby increasing …
Abstract The laser flash method was used to measure the thermal diffusivity (a) of carbonyl iron in the temperature range of 300–1700 K with a detailed study of the …
Numerical simulation of the foundry process, aimed at reducing costs and production lead times, directly impacts the responsiveness and competitiveness of the foundries that employ it. Three experiments were conducted to establish the values of specific heat capacity (Cp), density (ρ), and thermal conductivity (λ) of green sand over …
Density and thermal expansion of pure iron are investigated using a gamma-ray at-tenuation technique in the temperature range of 1020–2090 K of solid and liquid states.
Thermal diffusivity in ion-irradiated single-crystal iron, chromium, vanadium, and tungsten measured using transient grating spectroscopy Cite as: J. Appl. Phys. 132, 045102 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0089048
Thermal diffusivity was used to track damage development throughout irradiation, with 5 MeV self-ion irradiated iron, chromium, and vanadium showing little to no change up to damages of the order ...
Iron: 448: 0.12: Copper: 387: 0.093: ... Thermal diffusivity is an important parameter that characterises the ability of a material, such as concrete, to conduct and distribute heat. It represents the speed at which thermal energy propagates through the material.
Assuming that there are no heat losses, the evaluation of the thermal diffusivity from the T-t behaviour can be made using Parker's equation (Eq. (3)) [8]: (3) α = 0.139 d 2 t 1 / 2 where α is the thermal diffusivity [m 2 s −1], d the thickness of the sample [m] and t 1/2 the time necessary for the back face to reach half of the maximum ...
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