Functions Of Fine and Coarse Aggregate in …
Functions Of Coarse Aggregate in Concrete. Coarse aggregate is used in concrete to achieve the following functions: 1. It makes a solid & hard mass of concrete with cement and sand. 2. It …

Functions Of Coarse Aggregate in Concrete. Coarse aggregate is used in concrete to achieve the following functions: 1. It makes a solid & hard mass of concrete with cement and sand. 2. It …
3. Introduction Recycled aggregate are comprised of crushed, graded inorganic particles processed from the materials that have been used in the construction and demolition debris. These materials are generally from buildings, roads, bridges, and sometimes even from catastrophes, such as wars and earthquakes. Recycled …
17. UNSOUND MATERIALSUNSOUND MATERIALS • Cement or aggregate is considered unsound when they cause unacceptable volume change, hardened concrete or mortar which causes cracks and affects durability. • Aggregates containing certain materials such as shale, clay lumps, coal, iron pyrites etc show …
3. The aggregate occupies The aggregate occupies ~ ~70-75% of the 70-75% of the volume of concrete, so its quality is of volume of concrete, so its quality is of great importance. great importance. Aggregates may affect the following Aggregates may affect the following properties of concrete: properties of concrete: – Strength Strength – …
35. CONCLUSIONS (contd.) For HSC 30%-40% recycled coarse aggregates with reduced wc ratio may give same output as normal concrete gives. For low grade concrete 50% RCA replacement will give almost equal results as normal concrete gives. Problem in recycled aggregate concrete is that due to the low wc ratio the workability …
8. METHODOLOGY In this study for different types of mixes or combination is being considered and designed as per Indian Standard Specification IS: 10262(2009) Water cement ratio- The water cement ratio we have selected according to the grade of concrete chosen and mix design to be done. The 20mm and down size rubber aggregate are …
3. INTRODUCTION Concrete as a construction material, has been used in construction industry for about many centuries. Approximately one ton of concrete is used per capita per year through out the world. …
Nowadays, recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) has been most extensively applied in the construction industry as a sustainable resource to decrease carbon dioxide emissions and construction waste.
7. COARSE AGGREGATE: Coarse aggregates are particles greater than 4.75mm, but generally range between 9.5mm to 37.5mm in diameter. size of coarse aggregate:20mm GLASS POWDER: Using waste glass in the concrete construction sector is advantageous, as the production cost of concrete will go down. Waste glasses are …
aggregates.ppt - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document discusses different types of aggregates used in concrete, including …
6. Alkali-Aggregate Reaction • Normally, aggregates used in concrete are considered as inert material, but some of the aggregates contain reactive type of silica, which reacts with alkalis present in cement i.e. sodium oxide (Na2 O) and potassium oxide (K2O). As a result, the alkali silicate gels of unlimited swelling type are formed. This …
8. Definitions. Aggregate. Granular material of mineral composition such as. sand, gravel, shale, slag or crushed stone. Coarse Aggregate. Predominantly retained on the …
1. Aggregate Used in Concrete & Building Purposes السنالمستخدموأغراض الخرسانة فىالبناء Prof. Dr. Hassan Z. Harraz Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University hharraz2006@yahoo Spring 2019 Prof. Dr. H.Z. Harraz Presentation Aggregate Used in Concrete & Building Purposes DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21256.37127
27. REFERENCE 1. IS: 10262-1982, Indian Guidelines for concrete Mix Design, Fifth edition March 1998. 2. Shetty M.S, Concrete Technology Theory and Practice 2008, S.Chand & company Ltd. 3. M Etxeberria, Influence of amount of recycled coarse aggregate and production process on properties of recycled aggregate concrete, …
17. Strength properties of concrete mixtures increase with the increase in foundry sand contents and also with the age. Strength properties results indicate that waste foundry sand could be very conveniently used in making good quality concrete and construction materials. Workability is decreases with the increase of foundry sand …
9. Classification of Aggregate III. Classification based on unit weight a. Normal weight aggregates: The commonly used aggregates i.e. sand, gravel, crushed rocks such as granite, basalt, sandstone (sedimentary) and limestone. It has specific gravities between 2.5 and 2.7 produce concrete with unit weight ranging from 23 to 26 …
Coarse aggregates (right) typically consist of gravels, crushed stone, or a combination of both, with particles predominantly larger than 5 mm (0.2 in.) and generally between 9.5 …
Concrete technology - Download as a PDF or view online for free. ... • Download as PPT, PDF ... Light Weight Aggregate Concrete: 1. it contains light weight aggregates 2.used in preparing ccrt. Densities …
1 Aggregates for Use In Concrete. 2 Learning Objective Develop a basic understanding of aggregates and aggregate properties. Most concrete problems are a result of lack of …
6. PROCEDURE :- clean and dry aggregate sample confirming to one of the grading A to G is used for the test. Aggregates weighing 5kg for grading A, B, C or D and 10kg for grading E, F or G may be takes as test specimen and placed in the cylinder. The abrasive charge is also chosen in accordance with table and placed in the …
binding medium (mortar) Portland Cement Concrete relatively inert filler materials (aggregates) In concrete mixtures the proportions of cement paste & aggregates is controlled by the following factors: Suitable workability & placeability of fresh mass. Adequate strength & durability of hardened product. Minimum cost of the final product
1) Dmax < 1/5 min (20,40)=4cm 2) Dmax < 1/3 (9)=3cm 3) Dmax < 3/4 (4)=3cm 4) Dmax < 4cm Dmax < 3cm. Download ppt "CONCRETE AGGREGATES." binding medium …
Aggregates have 3 main functions in concrete. To provide a mass of particles which are suitable. to resist the action of applied loads show. better durability then cement paste …
13. Size classification Concrete is made with aggregate particles covering a range of size up to a maximum which usually lies between 10 mm and 50 mm (20 mm as typical). The particle size distribution is called grading Low grade concrete may be made with aggregates from deposits containing a whole range of sizes, ranging from the …
Aggregates typically make up about 60% to 75% of the volume of a concrete mixture, and as they are the least expensive of the materials used in concrete, the economic impact is significant. 80% of a …
5. Aggregates 5 Fine aggregate (Sand) •Particles having diameter in between 4.75 mm to 75 micron is called Sand. •Fills the voids within coarse aggregates •Assists in hardening of cement by allowing water to seep through its voids •Minimizes shrinking and cracking of concrete •Economizes concrete by varying its proportion for …
PowerPoint Presentation. Aggregates for Use In Concrete. * Cook out method – ASTM C566 is the most accurate * Always make sure you adjust your mix for moisture. * * * …
Geopolymer concrete ppt - Download as a PDF or view online for free ... no further strength loss -no visible cracks up to 600 οC -minor cracks at 800 οC -GPC with more compatability between aggregates and matrix led to less strength loss • Bond strength -very high -about one third of its compressive strength -four times than that of …
3. INTRODUCTION: The high demand for concrete in the construction using normal weight aggregates such as gravel and granite drastically reduces the natural stone deposits and this has damaged the environment thereby causing ecological imbalance (Short and Kinniburgh, 1978). In developed countries, the construction …
Then, the method to prevent and control the crack of mass concrete is put forward from the selection of reasonable raw materials and mix ratio, pouring method, temperature control and other aspects.
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