Physical Chemistry of Metallurgical Processes
A.1 Flow Sheet for Extraction of Copper from Chalcopyrite Chalcopyrite ore (1–2% Cu) Comminution Tailings Concentrate (25–35% Cu) ... A.2 Flow Sheet for Extraction of …

A.1 Flow Sheet for Extraction of Copper from Chalcopyrite Chalcopyrite ore (1–2% Cu) Comminution Tailings Concentrate (25–35% Cu) ... A.2 Flow Sheet for Extraction of …
Best mineral processing papers from the European Symposium on Comminution and Classification 2013 in Braunschweig. Edited by ... select article Continuum numerical simulation of multiphase granular suspension flow in the context of applications for the mechanical processing industry ... select article Impact of …
A comminution circuit for chalcopyrite consists of an 8 foot diameter wet rod mill followed by a 14 foot diameter wet ball mill, as shown below. The rod mill work index for the chalcopyrite is 18.2 kW-hr/ton, and the ball mill work index is 19.5 kW-hr/ton. The rod mill feed is 80% passing 12 mm, and the rod mill product is 80% passing 2 mm.
At 700° C and a chlorine flow of 3 l/min, the metal chloride product corresponds to CuCl2 + FeCl2. In all cases, the chlorine ratio lies between the "ic" and "ous" chlorides of copper and iron. Samples of chalcopyrite pellets, sulfur product, and metal chloride product were fire-assayed for gold and silver.
Comminution Testing; Mineral Liberation; Gravity Concentration Testing ... molybdenum as molybdenite, and elemental sulfur formed during the dissolution of digenite. A flow diagram for the combined pyrometallurgical-hydrometallurgical process is shown in figure 1. ... The β-chalcopyrite pattern for the leach residue is in excellent agreement ...
The ore mineral is predominantly chalcopyrite. ... This comminution principle probably accounts for the high particle liberation, low energy consumption, and comparatively low wear on tools and liners. ... high-velocity impacts cause a highly turbulent particle flow and trigger fracture nucleation and fracture propagation preferentially at and ...
spread across the four classes as High Chalcopyrite (Hi Cpy), Chalcopyrite-Pyrite (Cpy-Py), High Bornite (Hi Bn) and Pyrite-Chalcopyrite (Py-Cpy) in proportions ranging from 13 to 20%. Overall 37 samples were selected from more than twelve drill holes of HQ/NQ core for the comminution test work, representing the eight comminution classes.
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The flotation kinetics at each flow rate, shown as recovery versus time, are given in figure 2. The flotation kinetics at lower flow rates were both slower and less effective than those at the high flow rate. Flow rates above 1320 mL ore pulp/min were not tested, because that was maximum capacity of the present pumping system.
Closed with a flip-flow screen, the HPGR reduces the feed size from −12 to −1 mm, and the tower mill circuit produces a flotation feed with a fineness of 85 % passing 0.074 mm. This comminution circuit has HPGR for partial coarse grinding and uses tower mill to replace the energy-inefficient ball mill for primary grinding.
4. Comminution System To achieve the goal of recovering these concentr ates, the raw ore must be reduced to fine size prior to separation. This process is called 'comminution' or 'size reduction'. Generally there are two major objectives for comminution in mineral beneficiation: The first objective of comminution is 'liberation'.
We report the investigation of a chalcopyrite leaching process that implements millimeter-sized glass beads that are stirred in the leach reactor to combine particle grinding, mechanical activation, and surface removal …
1. Introduction. Comminution is an essential segment during the process of efficient utilization of mineral resources, which provides qualified raw materials for …
This landmark publication distills the body of knowledge that characterizes mineral processing and extractive metallurgy as disciplinary fields. It will inspire and inform current and future generations of minerals and metallurgy professionals.Mineral processing and extractive metallurgy are atypical disciplines, requiring a combination of knowledge, …
The economic viability of a process varies depending on the operating cost, capital cost and the revenue from sales. In this study, technical and economic feasibility …
The separation of chalcocite (Cu 2 S) and heazlewoodite (Ni 3 S 2) from high nickel matte can be achieved by maintaining the proper pH and pulp potential while using xanthates as collectors.The flotation recovery of Cu 2 S and Ni 3 S 2 has been studied by adjusting the oxidation–reduction potential of the flotation pulp with (NH 4) 2 S 2 O 8 and KMnO 4.The …
To better understand chalcopyrite leach mechanisms and kinetics, for improved Cu extraction during hydrometallurgical processing, chalcopyrite leaching has been …
Comparison of the chalcopyrite liberation distribution measured in the coarsest size fraction of the comminution products with a change in the classification method (after Jokovic et al., 2022). In the finer sizes, however, the degree of liberation produced by both classification circuits is very high and similar in value ( Fig. 12 ).
Chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and pyrite trace element contents vary significantly between the metallogenic districts as well as between different ore stages. Random Forest discriminates the stratiform sediment-hosted Cu(-Co) districts based on trace element geochemistry. ... Helium carrier gas was used at a 0.75 L/min flow rate in the laser ...
At Gossan Valley, stringer chalcopyrite and pyrite also occur further in footwall sediments, and small lenses of sphalerite and chalcopyrite occur in the hangingwall to the main mineralised position. A number of post mineralisation dolerite intrusives crosscut the stratigraphy and mineralisation at the Gossan Valley Deposits in several ...
This publication is the result of the 8th European Conference on Comminution. Containing many significant contributions concerning the topic of Comminution, ... Reactivity of mechanically activated chalcopyrite. ... Select Some considerations regarding optimum flow fields for centrifugal air classification.
It is clear from this work that the recovery of the copper declines as the particle size increases. The chalcopyrite ore undergoes a process of breakage and comminution. Ideally, this comminution leads to the creation of relatively clean fractures and hence formation of high-grade particles that break away from much lower-grade …
For the effective comminution and subsequent enrichment of mineral ores, comprehensive knowledge of their mineralogical and physical properties is required. Using an integrated methodology, this study evaluated samples of polymetallic Ni-Cu ore from Zapolyarnoe, Russia. Several analytical techniques were utilised, including optical …
X-ray μCT used to quantify the proximity of mineral to the ore particle surface. • Effect of proximity to surface on leaching efficiency studied over 102 days.. Maximum leaching penetration of 2 mm observed for this low grade chalcopyrite ore.. Higher recoveries observed at column wall, possibly due to preferential flow.
2.2. Comminution model. The existing grinding simulator is based on the classic comminution equation developed by Reid (1965), which can be written as the following mass balance: (1) d m h ∗ d t = m in-m out-Sm h ∗ + BSm h ∗ where the vector m h ∗ is the solids mass hold up inside the mill and m in and m out are the solids mass …
Results showed that after 197 days bioleaching of low-grade chalcopyrite, 423.9 mg copper was extracted from 200 g low-grade chalcopyrite and the average …
Another approach is to simply accept the slow copper extraction rates and use chalcopyrite primarily for energy storage. Deen and Asselin [29] demonstrate a fixed bed flow cell, where the Fe 2+ /Fe 3+ redox reaction in the presence of Cu is the …
1. Introduction. Comminution is an essential segment during the process of efficient utilization of mineral resources, which provides qualified raw materials for subsequent separation operations [Chen, 1989, Duan, 2012].The raw ore exploited from the mining site for the mineral processing plant is a loose particle group with a maximum …
Another source of processing challenges in the mining industry is the complexity of ore mineralogy, e.g., within the same ore body there can be a variety of mineralisation zones (with distinct ...
The grade of nickel carried by sulphide minerals is on average 0.22%. The average mineral composition of the Kevitsa ore is shown in Table 1 [27].The flowsheet of the Kevitsa flotation circuit is ...
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