Application of electrical and magnetic geophysical methods …
The correlation of the electrical and magnetic techniques shows that both methods are able to give the estimated depth of shallow mineral deposit which range between 13 m – 18m.

The correlation of the electrical and magnetic techniques shows that both methods are able to give the estimated depth of shallow mineral deposit which range between 13 m – 18m.
216 O.M. Alile et al. / Nigerian Research Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences 2(1) 2017 pp. 215-231 Aigbogun and Egbai (2012) investigated the subsurface geologic parameters of the ...
2020. Evidence revealed that mineral resources are available in large quantities and distributed across the country but the strategies for exploration has been the major obstacles to the success in Nigeria. …
15. THE ROLE OF GEOCHEMISTRY IN AN EXPLORATION SYSTEM Geochemistry is an essential component in most modern integrated mineral exploration programs, for the following reasons:- (1) Economic mineral deposits are commonly characterized by their low grade and large tonnage. Discovery, assessment and …
The exploration phase includes a geological survey, an airborne geophysical survey, geochemical analysis, and reserve estimate. After a mineral deposit has been …
The use of geophysical methods is an integral part in mineral exploration program because it can image the subsurface to provide information about concealed …
Comparative Study of Local Mining Methods and Assay of Cassiterite with other Alluvial Mineral Deposits in Kuru-Jantar, Plateau State, Nigeria D. V. Abere, G. M. Oyatogun, A. A.
Tungsten can be mined using conventional underground and open-cut mining methods. The concentrate of tungsten can be determined after crushing or grinding using; a. Ore sorting method which uses X-ray, optical, or UV in the case of scheelite. ... Tantalite Ore Mineral Deposits - Nigeria which is situated in the Western part of Africa has a ...
Nigeria is one of the Africa countries with abundant lead natural resources deposits and minerals. Listed below are some of the states in Nigeria that are rich in lead deposits, they are Akwa Ibom, Imo, Anambra, Bayelsa, …
Evaluation of Clay Mineral Deposits in Ohiya, Southeast Nigeria Using the Self Potential Method and Lithologs July 2017 Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology 22(6):1-11
The chemical, physical and mineralogical composition of clay mineral deposits at Ihievbe in Owan East Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria were evaluated using standard methods. The chemical assay revealed the predominance of silica (41.85-42.82%), alumina (20.17-20.42%), iron oxide (11.33-13.75%), sodium oxide …
Cassiterite deposits in Nigeria. ... the associate minerals from the lotto mining method which are 37.6 % columbite, 24.8 % iron, 21.5 % titanium, 2.3 % tantalum, 5.8 % tin, and 4.9 % wolframite ...
Integration of Aeromagnetic Interpretation and Induced Polarization Methods in Delineating Mineral Deposits and Basement Configuration within Southern Bida Basin, North-West Nigeria October 2018 ...
A number of Nigerian iron ore deposits have been upgraded to the specifications of concentrates for the blast furnace and the direct reduction iron- and steel-making plants. Depending on the mineralogy of the ore deposits, the techniques of oil agglomeration, magnetizing reduction, washing and scrubbing, gravity concentration, and reverse froth …
using the direct potential method with a 10 m increase in the electrode spacing along each of the profiles. Obtained data show a potential range of -2 mV to -600 mV and 1 mv to 251 mV.
This book is an introductory text on mineral deposits geology that includes mineral exploration, mining, and mineral …
Wolframite Ore Mineral Deposits in Nigeria, West Africa with Information on their locations and uses. Toggle navigation. Home; Submit Articles; ... There are two methods of mining Wolframite which include surface and …
As the goal of every exploration method is, of course the same to find clues that will help in locating hidden ore, the geochemical prospecting for minerals, as defined by common …
method was used in delineating the magnetic properties of rock which were used to determine the depth to magnetic basement, model prominent magnetic anomaly, determine
DOI: 10.12691/AJMM-4-1-5 Corpus ID: 54723809; Comparative Study of Local Mining Methods and Assay of Cassiterite with other Alluvial Mineral Deposits in Kuru-Jantar, Plateau State, Nigeria
Talc is another mineral resources in Nigeria. Talc deposits in Nigeria are estimated to be about 40 million tonnes. It is found in some states in Nigeria like: Osun state; Kogi state; Oyo state; Niger …
To keep the industry and academia updated with knowledge of recent discoveries and progress in metallogeny and exploration methods of porphyry and epithermal deposits, we are organizing a Special Issue to disseminate knowledge about the geology, geochronology, hydrothermal process, indicator minerals, geochemistry, geophysics, …
Iron ore deposits are located around Akpoha and Ntighauzo. Marble has been discovered in commercial quantities in the Arochukwu Local Government Area. Abia State has several clay deposits suitable for ceramics and brick making. The availability of these mineral resources provides scope for small-scale mining and mineral-based cottage industries.
Geochemistry and Determination of Mineral Properties of Dolomite Deposit in Ikpeshi Southern, Nigeria A. O. Omoseebi and I. Y. Tanko ABSTRACT This work focused on the geochemistry and determination of the mineral properties' distribution of dolomite Publisheddeposit from Ikpeshi, using variogram
Dr. Moses (M.A.) Olade is a retired Professor of Economic Geology who has lectured and published widely on the mineral deposits of Nigeria. He obtained a B.Sc. (Hons.) degree in Geology in 1969 from the premier University of Ibadan, Nigeria, and M.Sc. in Economic Geology from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada in 1972 where he studied …
24% of the GDP, while co ntribution from m anufacturing has fluctuated and rec ently stabilized at about 21%. In 2015, Nigeria's solid minerals and mining sector ac counted for a paltry 0.3% of ...
Dolomite Deposits - Nigeria is one of the African Countries with Dolomite deposits and these are located in Abuja, Edo (Ikpeshi and Akoko), Kogi, Nasarawa, Kwara, Yobe, and Oyo.. Dolomite is one of the compositions of limestone that can also be referred to as sedimentary rock, both Limestone, and Dolomite behave in similar ways when subjected …
Environmental Problems Associated with Mineral Exploitation in Nigeria. A paper presented at the 21st Annual Conference of the Nigeria Mining and Geosciences Society held at Jos . 140–148.
Other integrated remotely sensed methods have also been prevalent in ore deposit exploration 27,28. Some other workers concentrated more on delineating …
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