Ores Containing Antimony

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Treatment of antimonial gold ores

Ores and concentrates containing stibnite have also been treated by roasting. This is generally required if significant amounts of the gold are present in a truly refractory form such as associated with arsenopyrite or as aurostibite. ... For ores containing small amounts of antimony with the gold present in a non-occluded form, …

Processing – Voyager Group

We also welcome the opportunity to explore various by-products containing antimony as part of our commitment to responsible and eco-conscious mining practices. ... We invite mining companies from across …

Process for the recovery of antimony values from ores containing …

Tetrahedrite ore concentrate, sodium sulfide added as such or formed in situ, calcium values preferably supplied as lime, and a reducing agent, e.g. coke, are smelted for a period

Antimony in the metallurgical industry: A review of its …

Lastly, antimony raw materials, such as antimony sulfide-Sb 2 S 3 containing 45–60% antimony, are liquefied by heating at 550–600 °C after which it is reduced to pure antimony metal. Historically, SO 2 release has been a major concern when smelting sulfidic ores, especially those containing antimony and arsenic as they are …

Antimony, a pollutant of emerging concern: A review on …

Smelting in a blast furnace is applied for intermediate grade ores and all other materials containing antimony (25–40% antimony). Rich ores (with 45–60% antimony) are processed through liquation followed by iron precipitation or reduction with charcoal in reverberatory furnaces (Anderson, 2012).

Antimony | U.S. Geological Survey

The most common antimony ore mineral is stibnite (Sb2 S3 ), but more than 100 other minerals also contain antimony. The presence of antimony in surface waters and …

OneMine | Minor Metals

There are found in nature upward of II2 minerals containing antimony, but only a few of them, listed in Table I, can be considered as antimony ore-forming minerals. Stibnite (Sb2S3), antimony sulphide or glance, is the principal ore of antimony. The oxide ores—cervantite, kermesite, valentinite, sernarmontite—occur sparingly in nature. Dry …

Technology for Aiding the Cyanide Leaching of Gold Ores

Cyanide leaching technology was studied for low-grade oxidized gold ores in Guangxi Province. The gold grade of the raw ores was 1.32 g/t. The gold leaching rate was 90.91% under the optimal conditions for the following conventional leaching process: using steel forging as the grinding medium, a grinding fineness of −0.074 mm accounting for …


containing 5 % - 25 % antimony. It is often used to remove antimony from ores and concentrates containing gold. The use of one or another method of processing antimony-containing ores and concentrates depends on the antimony content in them and its form of location (Table 1). Antimony metallurgy is intended for the production

A Review on Pyrometallurgical Extraction of Antimony from …

Anderson and Habashi have provided detailed information on the occurrence, geology, and mineralogy of the antimony ores. In the current paper, therefore, only antimony-containing minerals that are of higher industrial significance are listed in Table 3. These minerals have been categorized into three major groups, sulfides, …

Drinking Water Contaminants- Antimony

What is Antimony and how is it used? Antimony is a metal found in natural deposits as ores containing other elements. The most widely used antimony compound is antimony xide, used as a flame retardant. It is also found in batteries, pigments, and ceramics/glass. Why is Antimony being Regulated? In 1974, Congress passed the Safe …

How to Treat Antimony-bearing Gold Ores?

In order to improve the cyanide leaching environment of antimony-containing gold ores, pretreatment can be carried out by physical or chemical means before leaching to realize efficient leaching of gold. The common pretreatment methods for antimony gold ore mainly include roasting and chemical alkali leaching. 1. Roasting method

Dynamic material flow analysis of antimony resources in China

The consumption of antimony-containing final products is referred as the use stage. These final products have different life spans and are used in a variety of fields. ... Indonesia, and Colombia, most of which were antimony ores. The monetary ratio of exported products to imported products increased from 10 times in 2011 to 18 times in …

Availability, Toxicology and Medical Significance of Antimony

There exist over 100 minerals containing antimony, belonging to various mineral classes; only a few, however, are important from an economic standpoint (Table 2). ... According to, antimony ores are associated with a number of different deposits, namely epithermal deposits, pegmatite deposits, and hot spring-related replacement deposits ...

Focus on: Antimony, an Obscure but Vital Critical Mineral

After extraction, the ore undergoes crushing and flotation processes to concentrate the antimony content. The concentrate then goes through a smelting process to produce antimony metal or antimony oxide. Which are the top antinomy-producing …

Beneficiation of antimony oxide ore: A review

Antimony oxide ore beneficiation has become one of the world's largest mineral processing conundrums. In recent years, many experimental studies dealing …

The metallurgy of antimony

In general the lowest grades of sulfide ores containing 5–25% antimony are volatilized to antimony xide: 25–40% antimony ores are smelted in a blast furnace: and 45–60% antimony ores are treated by liquation or iron precipitation. A description of each of these as well as oxide reduction follows (Motoo, 1974, Vladislav, 1981, Yong-Fu ...

Cyanidation of gold ores containing copper, silver, lead, arsenic …

Cyanidation tests on two ore samples from two different gold deposits are reported. The first sample contained 10.5 ppm gold with high arsenic and antimony.


An improved method of treating antimonial ores, more especially tin-ores containing antimony Info Publication number GB268278A. GB268278A GB16842/26A GB1684226A GB268278A GB 268278 A GB268278 A GB 268278A GB 16842/26 A GB16842/26 A GB 16842/26A GB 1684226 A GB1684226 A GB 1684226A GB 268278 A GB268278 A GB …

Extracting antimony from high arsenic and gold-containing stibnite ore

Hence, it is unsuitable for treating low-grade, complex antimony ores. (Mahlangu et al., 2006; Sun, 2012; Wang and Lei, 2000; Yang et al., 2017). ... Moreover, the use of alkaline system causes the leaching of gold during the treatment of the gold-containing antimony ore (Jin et al., 2014). Although the alkaline system is widely used ...


the crushed ore is treated with an aqueous solution of a fixed alkali. It has been found in practice that this solution must not exceed four per cent. of caustic soda or its equivalent of other alkali (and unless the ore contain oxid of antimony it should not exceed two per cent.,) for if it be stronger then the silica of the ore is more liable to be attacked and also …

(PDF) Antimony Production and Commodites

25% antimony are volatilized to antimony xide, 25-40% antim ony ores are smelted in a blast furnace, and 45-60% antimony ores are treated by liquation or iron precipitation. A description of

Roasting Arsenic & Antimony Ores

Ores containing large quantities of sulphur, arsenic, or antimony may sometimes be roasted with advantage as a preliminary to fusion. Roasting is effected in shallow circular clay dishes, in a muffle, or in the crucibles in …

Cyanidation of gold ores containing copper, silver, lead, arsenic …

Cyanidation tests on two ore samples from two different gold deposits are reported. The first sample contained 10.5. ppm gold with high arsenic and antimony.. The second sample had a low gold content (2.5 ppm) but a high silver content (160 ppm).The first series of test work focused on the determination of conditions for extracting gold …

Availability, Toxicology and Medical Significance of Antimony

There exist over 100 minerals containing antimony, belonging to various mineral classes; only a few, however, are important from an economic standpoint (Table …

Three Methods To Antimony Ore Beneficiation And Processing

The antimony ore hand-selection process is carried out by using the difference in color, luster and shape of the antimony-containing minerals in the antimony ore and the gangue. Although this method is primitive and labor-intensive, it still has special meaning for antimony ore beneficiation.

Arsenic and Antimony Sulphide Minerals in Cyanidation

The successful cyanidation of gold ores containing appreciable amounts of arsenic or antimony sulphide minerals such as orpiment, realgar, and stibnite is usually difficult or even impossible.Extractions are low and the solutions soon become 'foul.' The gold in such ores could be free and uncoated, and no trouble in dissolving it in clean …

Selection on the Process of Enriching Gold by Smelting from …

In general, it is suitable for antimony containing refractory gold ores. The principle is that gold can be enriched into smelting product directly. The refractory gold ore with a high content of antimony (25.0–35.0% Sb, Au 30 g/t) is commonly used as an important raw material in the smelting of antimony . The melting products are antimony ...

The Development of Antimony Production in Russia on the …

The most promising collectors for the flotation of ores containing antimony and gold on the basis of P(V) and compounds with S, O and N atoms were chosen. The mechanisms of interaction with the mixtures of two or three components of collectors were studied. High recovery of antimony and gold was reached in the processing of Au-Sb …


11,123. MacArthur, J. S. May 14. Antimony salts, especially the sulphide, are obtained from antimony ores by extraction with dilute caustic soda in such a manner that the reagent used is recoverable for further use. The finely-powdered ore is digested in vats with a solution of caustic soda of not more than 2 per cent. strength (in case of an ore …

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