Maximum allowable limits (MAL) and target values …
The degree of pollution of the trace metal was Pb > Cd > Zn > Fe > Mn > Co > Cu > Cr > Ni. Furthermore, the derived geoaccumulation index and contamination factor revealed that Pb, Cd, and Zn ...

The degree of pollution of the trace metal was Pb > Cd > Zn > Fe > Mn > Co > Cu > Cr > Ni. Furthermore, the derived geoaccumulation index and contamination factor revealed that Pb, Cd, and Zn ...
The dimensions of heavy metals (Zn, Mn, Cu and Pb) in vegetable (Talinum triangulare) gathered from dumpsites of Lagos, Nigeria were observed to be high because of vehicular traffic outflow 8. Fischer and Fischer-García (2023) reported high concentration of heavy metals in unwashed verdant vegetables than washed vegetables sold in street …
2.5. Daily intake of metals. A multiple pass 24 h dietary recall of 112 adult volunteers (60 males and 52 females within the age range of 19–70 years) was collected to estimate the daily mineral contribution from tubers, legumes and cereals analysed.This method of estimating the daily intake has been shown to give results which do not …
Seasonal variations of heavy metals (V, Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, and Hg) were assessed in surface sediments (0-2cm) of Great Kwa River Estuary (G.K.R.E) by quarterly sampling for a period of ...
Ten plant species were identified and sampled from seven sites in the study. Eighty-one soil samples were collected. Both plant and soil samples were digested in acid mixtures, extracted and were analysed for V, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb and Mo. The amount of metals accumulated and translocated in plant tissues was calculated to determine native …
The health risk assessment of heavy metals as the source of metal contamination in food crops fumigated exclusively with pesticides is mostly overlooked. This study determined the concentrations of heavy …
Bottom soil samples contain as much as 7.17 to 13.77 μg/g Zn, 54.97 to 63.23 μg/g Pb, 3.57 to 6.50 μg/g Cu, and 4.57 to 6.63 μg/g Hg. The levels reported had an abundance ratio in the order Pb>Zn>Hg>Cu in the soil samples.
Abstract. Food toxicity assessment was made for frequently consumed canned foods in Nigeria in order to estimate potential human health risks associated …
Collated in Table 8, therefore, are the values calculated for the potential ecological risks (RI) and ecological risk indices (ERI) of six of the potentially toxic metals (Pb, Ni, Cu, Co, Zn & Fe) assessed. Expectedly, Pb recorded the highest RI of 5.75 (crackers) while Ni (in shortcakes) posed the lowest RI with 0.05.
Isolation and screening of toxic metals tolerant bacteria ... using batch experiments in a culture broth model unveiled that the isolates possessed potent bio-removal capacity for Pb, Hg, Cd, Cu, Zn, Ni respectively at extreme conditions of high salt levels and acidic pH, which is an innovation of other existing remediation processes ...
Inorganic contaminants which consist of toxic metals and salts are notable for their wide environmental dispersion and their tendency to accumulate in the tissues of the human body. Heavy metals are the major inorganic contaminants in abattoir soils. These metals, even at relatively low concentrations, are toxic. Hence the objective of …
NIGERIA Esho Idowu Johnson1, Ibitoye Damilola Kingsley2 (1Chemistry, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, ... (Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd) in non-leafy vegetables. GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 12, December 2019 ISSN 2320-9186 473 GSJ© 2019 . MATERIALS AND METHODS
concentrations were recorded in Pb (0.01); a concentration that is incomparable with the high values obtained by Kolo-Creek, Nigeria [7] and Wetland lake, Al-Asfar [10]. The concentrations (Cu, Fe and Zn) obtained are relatively low compared to the permissible limits of WHO (1993), WHO (2004) and FEPA (1991). The values obtained in Pb were
The mean levels of Ti, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, Rb, Sr, Se, Nb, and V in groundnut, cassava, white yam, fluted pumpkin leaf, and Z. zanthoxyloides leaf collected from farmlands near Enyigba mining sites and their regulatory guidelines are presented in Table 2.The level of each of the metals in the root crop samples varied significantly (P < …
Ebonyi State is one of the States in Nigeria that is endowed with solid minerals including lead ores. Unregulated mining in Ebonyi State started with the mining of lead-zinc (Pb-Zn) ore in 1925 (2) and since then Pb mining has progressed tremendously because of its …
Heavy metals such as Zn, Pb, Fe, and Cu are abundant in the environment and contribute largely to the sustainability and equilibrium of ecosystem processes. …
The merR family includes MerR(Hg), CueR (Cu/Au/Ag), ZntR (Zn/Cd/Pb/), cadR (Cd) and PbrR (Pb) metal-resistance genes, which mainly act as activators. Tay et al. ( 2017 ) constructed an artificial genetic circuit with the fabrication of an extracellular self-assembling nanomaterial that can adsorb Hg regulated via a Hg-sensing MerR promoter …
In the current research Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd content in meat were determined. Samples of the kidney, liver and muscles from various cattle were taken from Nairobi and its surroundings. The overall concentration of Pb, Cu, Cd and Zn were below 2 ppm. Generally, the muscle had high concentration of Pb and Cd as compared with …
The concentration of the metals (ppm) followed the trend: Fe (16,265–90,512) > Mn (116.3–1657) > Zn (16.5–338) > Cu (2.62–75.5) > Cr (4.5–29.25) > Pb (2–104.5) > Co (2.5–26) > Ni (1. ...
The mineral contents of these oils showed detectable levels of Zn (2.57 – 21.43 ppm), Mn (0.12 – 0.98 ppm), Fe (2.21 – 97.41 ppm), Cu (0.49 – 61.70 ppm), Cd (0.42 – 0.74 ppm) and Pb (0. ...
Comparison of Extraction Techniques for the Determination of Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb in Maize grown soils of Kaduna Metropolis, Nigeria 1S.S. Mohammed and 2J.T. Ayodele 1Department of Applied Science, College of Science and Technology, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, Nigeria 2Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Bayero University, …
Elements pod pulp (ppm) Na K Cu Zn Mn Pb 0.326±1.55x10-6 1.505±1.49x10-5 0.426±6.67x10-7 0.251±8.89x10-7 2.410±6.67x10-5 0.876±6.67x10-7 Stem bark (ppm) D is c us s io n The result of the phytochemical screening of the pod pulp and stem bark of cassia sieberiana DC indicated the presence of terpenoid, cardiac glycosides, steroids ...
This study examined the levels of four heavy metals including cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) and their potential health risks for consumers in the commercially important fish species Scomberomorus commerson, collected from Sistan-Baluchestan and Hormozgan provinces, Iran. Sixty samples were collected and analyzed for heavy …
Due to the rapid development of industrial and agricultural activities, heavy metals have been widely detected in the soil (Liu et al., 2020b).Owing to the persistence, …
Ten plant species were identified and sampled from seven sites in the study. Eighty-one soil samples were collected. Both plant and soil samples were digested in …
discovered soil pH affects Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn mobility. Reichman (2002) noted Cd and Zn move more than Cu and Pb in soil pH <6 >6.5. Incorrect disposal of abattoir waste could lead to the spread of pathogens and harmful substances to humans, potentially leading to outbreaks of waterborne illnesses and cancer (Ubwa et al., 2013).
This study therefore seeks to assess the impact of gas flaring on the pH, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn concentrations in the rainwaters of Jeddo community, Delta State, Nigeria METHODOLOGY Collection and Preservation of the water Samples The rain water samples were collected in Jeddo town in Delta State of Nigeria. 1 Litre each of
The health risk assessment of heavy metals as the source of metal contamination in food crops fumigated exclusively with pesticides is mostly overlooked. This study determined the concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu, and Zn) in some food crops fumigated with pesticides and their health risk to humans. The mean …
The contents of EDTA-extractable Pb, Zn, and Cu were significantly reduced by 29.8–32.5%, 1.85–5.72%, and 30.0–32.9%, respectively, compared to the control. The co-cropping of Ilex cornuta and Epipremnum aureum promoted enrichment effects of Epipremnum aureum on Pb and Ilex cornuta on Cd (p < 0.05). The co …
consumption of snacks inevitable. This study assessed the concentrations of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd in some common snacks sold in two tertiary institutions in Lagos, Nigeria, using Perkin AAS Elmer model 460. The mean levels of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd found in plantain chips obtained from
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