New perspectives in acid mine drainage microbiology
Acid mine drainage varies from site to site with respect to geochemical parameters. The geochemical variation is reflected by differing populations of …

Acid mine drainage varies from site to site with respect to geochemical parameters. The geochemical variation is reflected by differing populations of …
Pizarro et al. used the different sizes of spacer regions between the 16S and 23S rRNA genes of acidophiles to identify microbial populations in a copper bioleaching system; Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans, as well as L. ferrooxidans, were identified by this approach. Differentiation of acidophilic ...
Some acidophiles grow at high temperatures. Physiologically, the acidophiles are very diverse: there are aerobic and facultative anaerobic chemolithotrophs and different types of heterotrophic prokaryotes, photoautotrophic eukaryotes, predatory protozoa and others. Acidophilic microorganisms maintain their intracellular pH close to …
Based on your pH testing results, can you categorize either of the microbes as acidophiles, neutrophiles, or alkaliphiles? Explain your answer in relation to Data Table 2. I would categorize both S. epidermidis and S. cerevisiae as neutrophiles since they both seemed to grow best at a pH of 7. Interestingly, both microbes showed growth in all ...
In our initial phylogenetic characterisation of Wheal Jane acidophiles, four of the predominant (from plate counts) iron-oxidising microbes (WJ2, WJ4, WJ5 and WJ18; see Table 2) were purified by repeated single colony isolation on FeTo plates before growth in a liquid medium containing 5 mM ferrous sulfate, 5 mM sodium thiosulfate and …
Acidophiles play a key role in the generation, evolution and attenuation of acid mine drainage (AMD), which is characterized by strong acidity (pH<3.5) and high …
DOI: 10.1590/18069657rbcs20170171 ABSTRACT: Areas affected by coal mining can be recovered by revegetation with leguminous plants associated with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. This study addressed the isolation and characterization of native nitrogen-fixing bacteria from coalmine wasteland under different vegetation restoration approaches using …
Most Probable Number of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in each study area Area Most Probable Number Characteristics of each representative area A1 Established soil - 8 years of restoration with native vegetation and lime application (10.4 Mg ha-1) A2 Established soil - 6 years of restoration with Acacia mearnsii Wild M. atropurpureum V. sativa 3.08 ...
Physico-chemical and microbiological data of AMD from an abandoned coal mine, Ynysarwed, and an abandoned tin mine, Wheal Jane, in the UK ... Cell pellets …
Notably, the mixotrophic acidophiles increased Cd concentration in plant tissues by 78% compared to the CK group. More interestingly, the mixotrophic acidophiles were not colonized in soils but caused the compositional increase of indigenous microbes such as the genera of Alicyclobacillus, Clostridium sensu strict and Streptacidiphilus ...
Moderately thermophilic, iron-oxidizing acidophiles were enriched from coal collected from an open-cut mine in Collie, Western Australia. Iron-oxidizers were enriched in fluidized-bed reactors (FBR) at 60°C and 70°C; and iron-oxidation rates were determined. Ferrous iron oxidation by the microbiota in the original coal material was inhibited ...
Author(s): Jones, Daniel S; Kohl, Courtney; Grettenberger, Christen; Larson, Lance N; Burgos, William D; Macalady, Jennifer L | Editor(s): Voordouw, G | Abstract: A legacy of …
tribution of acidophiles at Upper and Lower Red Eyes, we per-formed a detailed analysis of microbial communities in and …
Acidophiles are those microorganisms that have a growth optimum between pH 0 and 5.5, and cannot grow at neutral pH. The cytoplasmic membrane of obligate acidophiles requires a high concentration of hydrogen ions to maintain membrane stability and at neutral pH the membrane begins to dissolve and the cell lyse (Madigan et al., 2000).
As the best studied genus of acidophiles, it is unsurprising that Acidithiobacillus presents some of the most complete models of sulfur oxidation. Acidithiobacilli can facilitate the complete aerobic oxidation of sulfide to sulfate, following a series of oxidation steps mediated by an array of enzymes and proteins, as outlined in …
The GCC system is located on west to Neuquén Province, Patagonia Argentina, as it is shown in Fig. 1.Copahue Volcano (37°51′S, 71°10.2′W), 2977 m a.s.l., is an andesitic stratovolcano which presents a small acidic crater lake (Laguna del Volcán, pH 0.2–1.1).On the east flank of the mountain just below the lake an acid hot spring (local …
The method I have for isolating acidophiles from mine tailing include the addition of iron sulfate or sulfur for enrichment before isolation (9K media, (NH4)2SO43g, KCl 0.1g, K2HPO4 0.5 g,
Microorganism and Growth Conditions. The strain CM100B was isolated from coalmine soil (coal mines located in Asansol, Latitude: 23°41' N and Longitude: 86°59'E, West Bengal, India) by enrichment of the soil sample for one week with sodium selenite (0.5 mM) followed by standard method of dilution plating on tryptic soy agar (TSA) medium …
Some acidophiles grow at high temperatures. Physiologically, the acidophiles are very diverse; there are aerobic and facultative anaerobic chemolithotrophs and different types of heterotrophic bacteria and archaea, photoautotrophic eukaryotes, predatory protozoa and others. Acidophilic microorganisms maintain their intracellular …
The resilience and versatility of acidophiles that contribute to the bio-assisted extraction of metals from mineral sulphides. Environ Technol. 2010; 31:915–933. [Google Scholar] 6. ... Cameotra S.S. Aerobic biogenesis of selenium nanospheres by Bacillus cereus isolated from coalmine soil. Microb Cell Fact. 2010; 9:52–62. [PMC free ...
On the other hand, bacterial isolate collected from coalmine ditches i.e., SBELC 12 and SBECL16 showed maximum tolerance towards Cr(VI) ions up to 130 and 140 mg/L respectively. Finally, the remaining two isolated viz., SBECL09 and SBECL11 which were collected from the pond present near coal dumping areas resisted Cr(VI) …
DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02919-14 Corpus ID: 859927; Geochemical Niches of Iron-Oxidizing Acidophiles in Acidic Coal Mine Drainage @article{Jones2014GeochemicalNO, title={Geochemical Niches of Iron-Oxidizing Acidophiles in Acidic Coal Mine Drainage}, author={Daniel S. Jones and Courtney A. Kolesar Kohl and Christen L. Grettenberger …
Moderately thermophilic, iron-oxidizing acidophiles were enriched from coal collected from an open-cut mine in Collie, Western Australia. Iron-oxidizers were enriched in fluidized-bed reactors ...
Moderately thermophilic, iron-oxidizing acidophiles were enriched from coal collected from an open-cut mine in Collie, Western Australia. Iron-oxidizers were enriched in fluidized …
GENBANK/KM488406. GENBANK/KM488407. A legacy of coal mining in the Appalachians has provided a unique opportunity to study the ecological niches of iron-oxidizing …
Three recently isolated extremely acidophilic archaeal strains have been shown to be phylogenetically similar to Ferroplasma acidiphilum Y T by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. All four Ferroplasma isolates were capable of growing chemoorganotrophically on yeast extract or a range of sugars and chemomixotrophically on ferrous iron and yeast extract or …
Acidophiles are exploited in a number of biotechnologies including biomining for sulfide mineral dissolution, biosulfidogenesis to produce sulfide that can selectively precipitate metals from ...
Two-step bioleaching using the mixotrophic acidophiles removed 34% of total Cd and 87% of available Cd, significantly more than CK (3% and 4%), acid control (12% and 51%) and spent bioleaching (26% and 75%). Pot experiments of water spinach growing in four treated soils were conducted to evaluate the Cd uptake performance in …
The results of the quantitative investigations enlarge the knowledge about the distribution of these organisms in various natural and artifical habitats and confirm their high frequency in the nature. This paper reports on the investigations of the distribution of the methanotrophic bacteria in various environments and geographic zones. In the most of about 1000 …
Mixotrophic acidophiles exhibit a promising capacity to meet remediation demands at the field level. A microbial cultivation facility can strategically be situated near contaminated rice paddies, with the microbial solutions disseminated through irrigation channels or carriers. Irrigation water serves as a medium for cultivating these ...
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